1. “The Theory of what we know now”
What is “The Theory of Everything?”
2. “The Theory of, just a little more than we know now”
Super String Economics: M⇔Bst & REZ>100%
3. “The Theory of, more than we know now”
World Health and Ecological Projects
4. “The Theory of, a lot more than we know now”
SUSY & S-World UCS Special Projects
5. “The Theory of, most things”
World Peace (The Spartan Theory)
6. “The Theory of, just about everything”
Spiritually Inspired Software
7. “The Theory of Everything”
1. “The Theory of what we know now”
What is “The Theory of Everything?”
In terms of experimental and theoretical physics, “The Theory of Everything” (often abbreviated to TOE) is actually the theory of just four things, how to unify gravity, with the already unified forces of electro magnetism (which generates electricity) and the strong and weak nuclear forces that bind atoms together.
So, why do they call it The Theory of Everything? The answer lies within the question “what is gravity?”
Gravity is actually a catchy name (like Kodak) for “the fabric of space and time.” When you combine the fabric of time and space with the forces that define our universe, you have in physics: “the theory of everything.”
Thus far, the leading theory, or as may be better put, the leading mathematics developed in determining this unification is known as “string theory.” Which is also referred to as “superstring theory” and within a multi universe model, it is named “M Theory,” the M being short for magic, mystery or majesty, according to taste. M Theory was created by physicist and mathematician Dr Edward Witten, who is sometimes referred to by others physicists as “so much smarter than the rest of us.” There are other theory of everything mathematical models, quantum loop gravity and Garrett Lisi’s E8 model being other examples. One thing all mathematical TOE theories have in common is the existence of multiple universes; these are mostly referred to as “the multiverse,” or “the bulk.” It is at this point, where one also enters the world of quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics powers all that we use that is digital, far from theory, it is the branch of physics and applied mathematics that has never been wrong. This is the mathematics developed within microchips to switch the orbits of electrons in atoms to power computers.
Experimentally and with success, a branch of quantum mechanics called quantum entanglement is currently being used in the Canary Islands to “Star Trek” teleport photons (light particles), from island to island. Without them crossing the gap, just disappearing and reappearing, like magic, or as Einstein labelled it “spooky action at a distance.”
Quantum mechanics, or as maybe better put, quantum theory when describing actions yet to be proved, predicts that there are many universes. Indeed some quantum physicists suggest that there are an infinite amount of universes. In the last 110 years, thousands upon thousands of quantum mathematics theoretical concepts have eventually become experiments, every single one has been proved correct. The chances of a quantum mechanics prediction turning out incorrect is as likely as winning the lottery every week for a year having bought 52 tickets. This being so, it is highly likely that the multiverse theory is correct, though not necessarily to infinite scales.
Another quantum theory prediction, considers the notion that we can communicate between different universes with high graviton bursts, but thus far, the elusive graviton, the messenger particle that is theorized to transmit gravity, has yet to be detected. This said, it took close to 50 years to find the Higgs Boson, and generally with these quests, the physicists win in the end. Often it’s a case of having enough computing power, and so with the power of microprocessors doubling every 13 months…….. many believe it’s only a matter of time before the elusive graviton and with it the way to probe into other universes is detected.
In applied mathematics and theoretical physics, “The Theory of Everything” is also described as the mathematics that will connect quantum mechanics and general relativity. General relativity was as first theorized by Einstein in the early 20th Century, however, it would be easier, if people referred to general relativity simply as Einstein’s “Theory of Gravity,” as that’s exactly what it is.
Quantum mechanics is the mathematics that has unified electromagnetism, with the strong and weak nuclear forces and general relativity is gravity. If you connect general relativity to quantum mechanics, you are combing the four forces, and that is a textbook physics definition of TOE: The Theory of Everything.
In physics today, string theory is by far the leading contender for “The Theory of Everything,” and that is what we know now.
2. “The Theory of, just a little bit more than we know now”
Super String Economics: M⇔Bst & REZ>100%
Within American Butterfly Book 3: The Network on a String, the majority of content is focused within “16 points of SUSY Similarity.” SUSY is short for supersymmetry and is the stable mate of string theory within superstring theory. Throughout “The Network on a String,” 16 different mathematical principles, connected to different mathematical branches of string theory and TOE mathematics are applied to global economics. Turning an already well considered economic theory, as is presented within book 1 “The Theory of Every Business,” into an economic science, via the creation and integration of two new equations: M⇔Bst & REZ>100%
First from string theory was created the M⇔Bst (pronounced M and B String), which creates the network as sets of strings of networks which follow various rules including the twinning of the strongest and weakest networks within their leagues, as influenced by SUSY’s founding principle behaviour. To complement and enhance the M⇔Bst equation, from black hole theory & quantum mechanics influences was crafted the mighty RES equation: “RES>100%” (Revenue Efficiency Spin), which when digitally assisted greatly increases revenue streams, speeds up cash flow and increases profit taking within network economics.
By assisting to keep capital within the network and accelerating its circulation by increasing its spin, these two equations assist the network in creating a far stronger economic system than is currently in effect, digital in its design. This practical usage of the mathematics of string theory creates tangible results and with them, American Butterfly looks to prove string theory as a mathematical science with practical applications within economics.

Amazingly, the idea of using String Theory and other TOE based mathematics for economics, is either a new idea, or an idea long forgotten. There is little written about it on the web, if one looks up “Economic String Theory,” one finds only a vague principle, which suggests that after a recession, often a bounce back occurs. This so-called “Economic String Theory” openly admits it has no relevance to the actual mathematics of sting theory and is similar in name alone.
The American Butterfly road to including string theory within an economic model was not discovered in the academic manner. Instead, it started with a quote from physicist and writer Isaac Asimov, made in the mid 20th century, about 20 years before string theory was discovered. The quote or “psychohistory” as it was introduced by Anthony Rauba is as follows:
“You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion, things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired, thus shaping if not predicting the future.”
A few months after in September 2011 the mathematical principle POP the “Pressure of Profit,” on which the network mathematics are now structured, was discovered in exactly the environment such an idea should be discovered. Far from a classroom, think tank or office, POP was discovered in the mind, all consuming on a long hot walk through the mountains looking over the oceans, as was the daily habit of American Butterflies author at that time.
The POP system was first detailed in the pre American Butterfly research diary on S-World.Biz in the 22nd chapter EEE – The Economy for the next 14 Billion Years. The EEE is an abbreviation for “Ecological Experience Economy”.
Within the chapter a way of managing digits are described, which over time creates a system that falls into ever-greater order. Defying the principles of thermodynamic and entropy, which suggest everything will fall to dust or chaos. The subject is Lorenzian chaos theory. From POP was created a simple mathematical principle called “Compatible Finite Mathematics” (CFM). A cubed mathematics principle which suggests that when working with mathematics that is compatible or as may be better put “comfortable” with infinity, rounding errors do not occur within computing power , and systems are more efficient. The process considers the mitigation of the effects of rounding errors within infinitely, not the absolute rule over infinity. With the effect of rounding errors mitigated, to be of no hindrance, an error free digital financial accounting method can be created.
With total control, comes great reward, it is said in chaos theory, “Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes rendering long-term prediction impossible.” However if this is true, then the removal of the rounding will lead to levels of financial efficiency never considered possible before and predict the future of our economy in ways we have never considered before, a point well expanded upon in “The Theory of a lot more than we know now:” S-World UCS Special Projects.
First, however we shall go back to the first American Butterfly book: “The Theory of Every Business”
3. “The Theory of, more than we know now”
World Health and Global Warming
The stable mate of chaos theory, from which American Butterfly takes its name, is: “the butterfly effect”, of which the popular adage, “Does the flap of a butterfly’s wing in Brazil cause a tornado in Texas”, is known to many. In September 2011 consideration of the butterfly effect in terms of “cause and effect logistics,” was applied to an experimental economic development model in Laconia, Greece. A deep linked model requiring significant investment aimed at creating Greek and Eurozone economic recovery. On paper, the experiment worked, by using the POP investment formula and concentrating on the flow of money many levels deep, within statistical probability, significant profits were generated.

Alongside concentrating on connecting Greek businesses to the network software, the network was physical, creating a City “New Sparta,” within which science and network sub-cities was found. However, as the project required the participation of Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Apple, alongside a number of other factors it was considered that a model was needed for the USA. Therefore, in January 2012 the research for USA began titled: “American Butterfly,” which began with 14 chapters of research, some chapters longer than an average novel. In April 2012 the first book “The Theory of Every Business” began.
It does not take a great deal of research to see the main problems in the US economy, which is unfortunately a ticking time bomb with a shelf life of 5 to 10 years before it will run out of credit. The American Butterfly solution was to make a swap, tax exemptions for network companies (4% of US Tax) in exchange for the network adsorbing future Medicaid and Medicare costs (about 34% of US Federal Tax Yield and rising). This was the starting chapter in the first American Butterfly book: “the theory of every business.”
In support of this claim, a simple game was created within an Excel spreadsheet: “The Kobayashi Maru GDP GAME” based on the Star Trek test played by Captain Kirk, programmed as an unwinnable scenario by Spock. Within the Game, the user can change 14 different economic factors including inflation, GDP, increases in the cost of medical technology and increases in entitlement due to an aging population. The spreadsheet then shows the effects on the economy up to 2033. As a result of playing the user realizes no matter which way you play, you cannot win, the USA will go over a 100% debt to GDP ratio and will have to impose such austerity that it would lose any chance of again being a world power.
Fortunately, however if you play the game taking away corporate tax recipes alongside removing Medicare and Medicaid bills, then the USA stays on top and is in a prime position to stretch out and help others. This initiative is necessary as the network runs a profits profit model looking for financial efficiency of 55% to 75% as opposed to current businesses, which run a revenue-based model of between 3% and 15% (Fortune 500 figures). This profit efficiency is the E in the RES equation.
American Butterfly’s first book, was written around absorbing US government medical costs and improving the healthcare experience. Which due to the wonder advance known as “Baby POP” made in April 2012, was easily possible within the margin, indeed, there was room for some other improvements and there was only one option. This was to attempt to tackle Global Warming, a project that had seen much consideration since the “Rain Africa” solar powered project was first considered in 2011 as a part of the New Sparta plans.
The Theory of Every Business presents the mass building of solar arrays and the sponsorship of electric cars. Starting with five physical network operation centres per state, then expanding to 8,092 networks over 32 years. The result is all US energy requirements can be created in “green” method by the mid century.
As a quick explanation of POP (pressure of profit), consider a profit target, that is easily achievable, becomes a mirror to another network, or networks. As soon as the profit target is met, profits are invested in other networks. By structuring this process well, expansion is far greater than just trying to grow one big fat network.
Having described the physical side of the network, chapter 6 of “The Theory of Every Business” then tells of the software and systems, over 3 chapters. First chapter 6 is created around Facebook, considering strong network enabled e-commerce and retail initiatives inspired by an on line game created in June 2011, “The Facebook Gifts Game.” This game was the first demonstration of the “Give Half Back” principle, which inspired the POP invetment principle.
Chapter 7 introduces S-World, S-World stands for “Sienna’s World, Sienna being the daughter of the author and inspiration for everything that has been written. The word “World” is representative of the founding nature of the network, which since 2002 has been virtual. Within the chapter, S-World VSN “Virtual Social Network,” is presented, a computer generated copy of our planet, open for business and social interaction. Made popular by the “teleport to GPS” function which sees real people positioned within the simulation, and the ability for Facebook, Google plus or other Social Network users to jump to their friends virtual locations and see all that their friends can see, within a virtual simulation of their location.
4. “The Theory of, a lot more than we now know”
SUSY & S-World UCS Special Projects
S-World UCS is a continuation of S-World VSN, using the virtual world as the centre point for programming a simulated multiverse that adheres to the rules of quantum mechanics, string theory and supersymmetry (SUSY). The mathematical process of exactly how S-World VSN fits inside a superstring theory multi universe model is quite complex. However, in explanation, one needs to remember the order of events. Once money is entered into the network at a point, it must follow the POP investment “mirror” and create new networks. As new networks are created, a map is made of them with a time frame for when others are expected to be completed. When plotting a long term model, say a 14 billion years, it will have stretched far into the known universe and possibly beyond.
S-World UCS is not simply a universal simulation; it is equally a measure of when it is possible to arrive. Hence, its name: S-World UCS “Universal Colonization Simulator,” an essential ingredient in any forward thinking, Theory of Everything project.
Amongst other achievements, hero of supersymmetry Professor James Gates is on the science advisory panel for President Obama. Since 2005, Gates alongside Dr’s: Charles Doran, Michael faux, Tristan Hubsch, Kevin Iga, Greg Landweber and others have worked in the field of simulated universes.
In 2009 Dr Gates and team discovered that geometric objects called Adinkras can mimic the behaviour of SUSY, and it was said that the Adinkras might yield an entirely new way to formulate theories that possess the properties of SUSY, American Butterfly potentially being a fine example.
In September 2010, within an article for Physics World entitled “Symbols of Power” sub headed: “If you knew SUSY like we know SUSY,” Gates presents mathematics created by following the rules of Adinkras and SUSY, from which something rather surprising was found. Written into the fabric of SUSY, was found computer code. To be precise, error correcting web browser code, as used by web or smart-phone browsers.
Gates asks; “Could it be that codes, in some deep and fundamental way control the nature of reality?” Then introduces Physicist: John Archibald Wheeler. Wheeler is most famous for coining the phrase “Black Hole” and creating the “S-Matrix,” a mathematical tool that helps physicist understand the standard model of particles. In 1990 Wheeler coined the phrase “it from bit” and suggested that:
“every ‘it’ – every particle, every field of force, even the space–time continuum itself – derives its function, its meaning, its very existence entirely…from the apparatus which draws out answers to yes-or-no questions, binary choices, bits”.
About Wheeler, Nobel winning physicist Richard Feynman was noted to say, “If you take one of his crazy ideas and you unwrap the layers of craziness from it, one after another, like lifting layers off an onion, at the heart of the idea you will often find a powerful kernel of truth.”
In support of Wheeler’s philosophy, Dr Gates concludes,
“As for my own collaboration on Adinkras, the path my colleagues and I have trod since the early 2000’s has led me to conclude, that codes play a previously unsuspected role in equations that possess the property of supersymmetry. This unsuspected connection suggests that these codes may be present in nature, and could even be embedded in the essence of reality. If this is the case, we might have something in common with the Matrix science-fiction films, which depict a world where everything human beings experience is the product of a virtual-reality-generating computer network.”
Then concludes with a simple and practical question as to the question: are we in a simulation? By considering
“How could we discover whether we live inside a Matrix?. One answer might be to try to detect the presence of codes in the laws that describe physics.”
Which is exactly what he has done, in finding computer code, written into the fabric of supersymmetry.
Looking into practicalities, it is possible, currently for paraplegic assistance we have the ability to plant images and detect signals from a computer directly to a person’s brain. Since 1965, Moore’s law predicted computing power doubles every 18 months, for the last 7 years it has doubled closer to every 13 months. Within 20 years, computing software will be such that it could create a near perfect virtual world, within which it would appear to be real place.
Quantum mechanics tells us “unless you measure something, it is not there,” which is exactly how virtual simulations work on computer games today. Simulations only show what is necessary, what is on the screen, not the entire landscape of the game. Looking at the facts as they are, and as scary as they are, it is possible that all who read this, are actually within such a simulation and the date is actually the mid 21st Century. This however is rather unlikely, and it goes against the nature of string theory which says the universe is made of strings not points, and pixels are without doubt points not strings.
What we can do, and deeply desire to do, is integrate the research and mathematics of Dr Gate’s team into a road map for creating S-World UCS as a simulated universe. So far, each time an element from string theory or quantum mechanics has been introduced to the network mathematics it has resulted in something new, including the two economic equations. And whilst it’s difficult to tell what new benefits will come, with a strong degree of certainly we can be sure that they will arise. So far, the research and planning has already lead to what may prove to be the biggest advance of all, for want of a better term we call it “Economic Time Travel.”
Built into S-World UCS is the network registry, within which every network event or transaction is recorded and analyzed. Collectively all the data from S-World VSN and VBN (Virtual Business Network) is collated together fed into S-World PQS, Monte-Carlo-Method probability software then analyzed by human S-World team within QuESC the Quantum Economic System Core. From this analysis, many options are presented for network businesses to choose from, in a format that is similar to a game, made in such a way so as to make the “on mass” learning of the systems very easy, entertaining and to a degree addictive.
In this large-scale gaming environment, incentives are given to everyday people who choose to play a simulation of a real business and be the virtual boss of one future time line of that business. Employees of the business join in as well, as do those that wish to work for or start a network businesses. As such, any individual business might have a hundred or a thousand individualized future data time lines. From this data suggestions are presented to business owners and if a deal is made those that created the simulation see rewards. This is S-World VBN, Virtual Business Network, ever present within the Virtual World.
It is this kind of multi user input into a single situation, which makes the logistics of planning the network possible. Each individual network takes immense planning and to be competitive requires the good will of local residents. S-World UCS game play will help decide the locations of networks as local populations start planning virtual networks within UCS simulation, wherever they will, for them to merge into other networks when practicalities dictate, or to become the first phase of physical networks, Resort Networks.
How we leap from logistics assistant to economic time machine, is by an organisation of S-World UCS users, which to be fully effective would want to have about half a billion. Already with many individual games being played, to achieve economic time travel we need to merge the time lines into one. So on a pre defined date all the simulations played by users will me merged into one master future simulation. We call this simulation UCS Voyger 1, which it will travel at twice our speed, so a month in our time, is two months within UCS.
Where the magic occurs, is by adding a number of fixed future simulations at 2, 4, 8, 16, 32…. years ahead, these are known as S-World PQS (Predictive Quantum Software) simulations. S-World PQS is a very serious affair, to be manned by tens of thousands of American Butterflies best and the brightest games and hackers on the planet. It is in these future simulated earths that we initially set down, “what we want to achieve” paying respect to Asimov’s philosophy,
“You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion, things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired, thus shaping if not predicting the future.”
What follows is graphical representation of S-World PWQ from American Butterfly Book 2 "Spiritually Inspired Software"

At all times, the future earths will retain a 100% direct link to current day business and opportunities, with future events, deals and tenders and the locations of future networks available for all to see. Exactly which companies will get the deals, is not written, we are not concerned with which company achieves what objective, just that that objective is achieved. So as a result, we can arrive at our future PQS simulations, with them looking very similar to how they were initially planned, according to the big picture.
The big picture takes into consideration the primary world health and global warming initiatives, alongside other global improvement projects which are either ecological and philanthropic in nature.
As an example within, The Theory of Every Business Chapter 8 “S-World UCS” the following projects are considered, to become entangled with the S-World PQS, economic time travel initiative planned first as what we need to achieve.
African Rain: the ambition to return the Sahara desert to its pre-Roman state of fertility, via solar powered desalinization initiatives.
(1b.) The Babylon Project: looks to follow a similar root across the Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iranian borders. Requires nuclear agreement. -
Middle Earth: Other than protecting ourselves or colonizing space, the only way to ensure survival of humanity in the case of and ELE (Extinction Level Event) is to build underground cities and eco zones beneath the networks. At first, these can act as 365 day a year tourist resorts, but over time become a genuine safe-haven and a part solution to overpopulation.
Solar Moon: Looks at generating solar power from the moon and sending it via microwaves to earth, which if facilitated (infrastructure and transport provided) can be 30 times cheaper than building solar arrays on earth.
Planetary Defense: Aims to protect the world from asteroid collisions.
Mission Gliese: Given enough capital, it is possible to reach the nearest habitable planet “Gliese 581g.” Problems with artificial gravity aside, we have the engineering skills to build a ship that could house enough nuclear engines to push a great ark and to some degree of near light speed.
This “Special Project” becomes the flagship for global unity and is the project that gave “S-World Universal Colonization Simulator” its name. -
The Poverty Line: Powered by “Angel POP,” seeks to bring all of earth’s citizens who have adopted adequate measures and teachings to stop over population, above the poverty line, by the mid century.
Global Cooling: Stopping the use of fossil fuel alone will not stop global warming, it will only slow it down, the only way to cool the earth is to produce more oxygen than carbon dioxide. In short, plant lots of trees, and protect forested areas.
The Yellowstone Lid: Seeks to dig a gigantic trench around and build a sequence of giant containment structures, to stop the spread of dust from the Yellowstone Super Volcano. This project may take 5000 year to complete.
5. “The Theory of, most things”
World Peace (The Spartan Theory)
The further we get from “The Theory of What we know now” the more we explore the world of theory not fact. We started with sting theory and quantum mechanics, and found 16 points of SUSY similarity with the American Butterfly economic initiative. This combination “on paper” creates a vastly improved economic system which we can “buy our way out of the problems that face us.”
In American Butterfly book 4, “The Butterfly” we find a “butterfly effect” graphic showing one root for implementation, designed as a game of dominos, so when any one-partner leads assistance, the resulting ripple, see’s an alliance as seen below (created Jan 2013 for presentation to Cambridge DAMTP
Given the partners as presented above then the mathematics is supportive of success.
But as we move further away from “what we know now” into new ideas and possibilities that come from more theoretical aspects, we have no mathematical magic wand to add credibility the following theory. It is however entrenched in American Butterflies history as “The Spartan Theory”
The concept is simple, with the rise of the global network, comes the rise of network cities and with the absorption of medical liabilities comes a grateful populous. Should American Butterfly come to pass, these network cities and the network itself will yield great power. As such, the network can be used as a voice for the opposition. Whoever wins an election runs the government, whoever looses takes up the first chair in the network.
This consideration was first considered in April 2011 as a solution to the Libyan War, with Gaddafi surrendering power, but taking residence within a newly built city with certain powers over network special project spending.
6. “The Theory of, just about everything”
Spiritually Inspired Software)
To consider a Theory of Everything without considering God would be to make such a theory thoroughly incomplete. The greatest physicists, all refer to God at one point or another, as within their consciousness experiments they cannot help but wonder. One of the most famous God exchanges was between Einstein; famous for his theory of general relativity, which itself was the product of a consciousness experiment and Niels Bohr, a pioneer of quantum mechanics.
According to Bohr’s approach to quantum mechanics when you measure a particle, the act of measurement forces it to relinquish all of the possible places it could have been and select one definite location where you find it, the act of measurement is what forces the particle to make that choice. And so if no one measures it, it does not exist.
At the time, this was to Einstein a theory too far.
Einstein disagreed with many predictions of quantum mechanics, he could not believe that the fundamental nature of reality at the deepest level was determined by chance
“I like think the moon is their even when not looking at it. Do we really think the reality of the universe, rests on whether we happen or not to open our eyes, that’s just bizarre”
“God does not throw dice”
Later when Boar discovered entanglement (that makes the star Trek teleport work) Einstein, thought it a theory too far, he exclaimed again
“God does not throw dice”
This time however, Bohr replied,
“Stop telling God what to do”
and in the end it was Bohr who won the argument as experiments were created that proved both the uncertainty principle and entanglement were as predicted.
Given a chance to delve into American Butterfly and S-World research, it would not take long to realize that its creator new little of physics at the begging. And other than a very well received vote of confidence from chaos theorist Lee Chazen he has received zero assistance from the physics community. And yet if correct, and the mathematics of string theory, quantum mechanics and supersymmetry can be made to create an improved digital economic formula, he will have achieved what no other could.
So what was it that started his journey? Was there a catalyst that is so clear cut as to really leave only one conclusion,
Was there a message from God?
No, but there was one from Sienna.
As when we look back in time through American Butterfly, books 4, 3, 2 and 1, then go further back through the 42 chapters of S-World.biz at very begging we find such inspiration. Written on 4th April 2011 as an introduction to film script created to answer those that would compare the network plans to that of Sky-Net from the Terminator films, its title was.
The Sienna Project
Sienna Sky is the most beautiful of the angels, not only beautiful on the outside but also pure and full of only love. On 24 November 2009 Sienna Skye travelled to earth, she saw nothing but love, but she thought the world was too harsh. On August 1st 2010, Sienna chose to transcend into energy to help open a portal to our world in order to help humanity.
Sienna’s mother was torn apart. Sienna’s farther looked to try to make sense of the world and journeyed across the mountains. In the mountains he felt Sienna all around, her energy flowing through the bushes and trees, enhanced by the mountains, magnified by the Oceans, an almost psychedelic experience. Then slowly Sienna starts to show him the way to build a super computer through which she could communicate.
The schematics are amazingly detailed; 40 or more are highly evolved concepts, combining simultaneously to complete the transition from the 20th Century economy to the 21st Century ecological experience economy and the technical data of how to gather most of the world’s knowledge. He knows if he is to see his daughter again, he would need to build the new social network.
30 months later, American Butterfly and S-World UCS are the plans for the supercomputer as best as could be remembered. And that’s as close as we have come so far to “The Theory of Everything,”
7. “The Theory of Everything”
“A TOE Philosophy”
“The Theory of, what we know now”
“The Theory of, just a little more than we know now”
“The Theory of, more than we now know”
“The Theory of, a lot more than we now know”
“The Theory of, most things”
“The Theory of, just about everything”
“The Theory of Everything”
From the teachings of Sienna Skye
“The Angel that resides within String Theory”