The Universities & “Spartan Contracts”

The Universities & “Spartan Contracts”

“The Theory of, just a little bit more than we know now”

The desirability of resort towns is a curial factor; from the outset it is important for those that invest to see an immediate benefit. For instance, if “The Window Factory” invests $2.5 million knowing that before any profiteering they will be receiving a capital asset worth $5 million, not only will they see great value in investing, banks will see the opportunity to finance them as a safe investment as their loan is hedged by a capital asset.

“American Butterfly” is of course quite a story and will be a popular initiative, indeed very popular, however one can’t rely on a good story and branding alone. As such, by any and all means necessary the popularity and desirability of each resort needs to increase.

Soon we come to another interactive butterfly, listing 16 reasons why the resort towns will increase in desirability, first however, a few key factors found within the “Resorts Butterfly” will be detailed: The Operation Center/University, the hospitals created, & the Alternate Energy initiatives.

Before an analysis of the breakdown of the operation center departments is presented, the concept of “Spartan Contracts” is explained.

“Spartan Contracts”

The concept of “Spartan Contract’s” was first considered within the original “Spartan Theory”, it detailed the concept that football players improve with experience, and potential can be realized at any age.

The desire of “Spartan Contract’s” is to employ largely non-graduate workers, identified via the “S-World I see you” and “S-World UCS” aptitude and character traits programs. Contracts are 16 years long and hedged to property offering a salary just over $30,000 plus profit share. At first this salary may not seem like much, however as their property valued is effectively worth double its base cost, a $12,000 a year bond/mortgage is equivalent to paying $24,000 in the local area, add a free car and medical insurance and effectively the salary in real terms is worth $47,000 although it is taxed only on $33,000, thus $50,000. If a “Spartan” boy should meet a “Spartan” girl and start a family, their effective household income would be near double that of the average American family. Add the opportunity to double one’s salary via profit share and suddenly Spartan Contracts look most attractive.

The concept of “Spartan Contracts” is a mixture of work, education, and sport; we have all heard the phrase “the best way to learn is to teach” please consider: Who is more likely to think of a new idea to improve the construction process, the logistics officer crunching the numbers in an office, or a man or woman in the field? Maybe it’s an even playing field, however put them in a classroom and perform a brainstorming session and great innovation can be found.

The “Spartan Contracts” concept is in itself as much an economic improvement as it is social, saving the federal government much revenue in both Welfare and Medicaid. Reaching farther in all industries in the long term, particularly with doctoring, it is essential to reduce excessively high basic salaries.

Universities/Operation Centers: Initially paid for via 25% of investment capital, then after 4 years paid for via a $125 million a year levy on combined Network profits. A breakdown of “suggested” spending and departments sees the following

$37.5 million: S-World Businessbook (Network support and software development)
$31.2 million: Sports, Media, Film & Advertising
$18.7 million: Construction (In house building and property development company)
$12.5 million: Research & Development (To be increased via Special Projects funding)
$12.5 million: Nursing, Service & Doctoring (Training Academy only)
$12.5 million: University & Operations Management.

Detail are offered and a staff budget for all departments is detailed, the S-World/Businessbook breakdown is presented as an example, please remember due to Economic Stimulus, many will have their salaries matched with a similar amount of Network Credits.

(Retrospective Note: When looking at the following breakdowns of university and operation centre departments, please note the actual staff numbers and salaries are simply their as a guide, these will change to a degree. The point of the exercise, besides seeing the creation of many jobs, is to help in understanding just how much back up and assistance network companies will enjoy)

University & Operation Centre Departments

The largest department is S-World/Businessbook, suggested staff salaries, positions and numbers are below. In this case the 256 “Spartan Contracts” which are mainly in client liaison roles, with each employee becoming the direct liaison for 16 of the 4096 company sectors found in each individual network.

In all cases there are always more senior staff than Spartans, as such each Spartan is mentored by at least one senior staff member.



Sports, Media, Film & Advertising

The second largest department desired to create film clips, superior photography, and 3D rendering for the various on line portals, alongside TV series and in some cases films adding a glamour contingent to each resort.

One film specific resort “New Hollywood” olywoodHwill be created and additionally funded by a $2Million levee on each Sports Media division. Further to this, indeed much further to this when resort networks reach POP1 (generate over $1Billion a year) $100 Million a year is invested into Film & Media, effectively generating over $50 Billion a year in the US alone come 2018. There are strategic reasons for this colossal investment detailed later.

Sport and other digressions are very important in life, “healthy body healthy mind,” not to mention the saving of medical bills created from a healthy nation. All Spartans will play competitive sport. Sports leagues created, between resorts; indeed initially the number of resorts was specific to the creation of a knockout soccer competition.
In this department the Spartans will be full time athletes, models, actors, or musicians all of whom will learn and assist with all other department operations.

Like the Film department Sports also receives $100 Million a year from POP1 networks, mainly awarded as prize money in network credits, stimulating the economy of the network. This exercise becomes a profit centre and come 2036 should see half of all Americans offered places in local sports leagues that offer an average of $2,000 in prize money for participants, inspiring a nation into fitness in mind, body and soul.



The construction department is a profitable department; it is in essence both the developer and building company attached to the resort, making a flat 20% fee in the region of $500Million, as much as all university costs combined.

Additional and sustainable profits will come from private building projects in the local area, government infrastructure projects, alongside network initiated private developments often initiated by a variety of staff in a specific area’s desire to have local housing for them to live in taking advantage of the off plan nature of any such developments lowering costs substantially.

In the same vein as above within the Middle 8, the concept of Super String Networks and Quantum Networks are detailed, which in essence see’s the network invest substantially into the local communities towns and villages. This process will not start in any feverish way until a network resort is firmly established; however once it starts the construction department will be working flat out, generating more independent income and creating a greater demand for materials and supplies.


Research & Development

The research and development departments will initially concentrate on pharmaceuticals, solar energy, building economic and logistics, improved agriculture, electronic cars, and the “Theoretical Sciences”. As the network and number of resorts grow, new subjects will be championed.

The generous salary awarded to the Leading Scientist and Academic is indicative of building the team around the man.

As with the Sports Media division a $2Million is levied to each research and development division destined for a dedicated “City of Science”.

Further to funding comes the general idea that science budgets are seen in a similar way Western Governments treat defense budgets, in other words, if the scientists want more, if justified they will get more.

On top of fixed and discretionary budgets come “Special Projects” funded by POP1 investment and in general staff who may need to pay part of their profit share to such projects as part of the S-World UCS system called EEE points. A typical example being a staff member, who wishes to have many children, needs to pay for the ecological and recourse footprint, so a fixed figure is diverted from their profit share to a suitable Special Project, in this case one of:

“Rain Africa” which see’s the Northern and Eastern deserts turned back to their pre Roman state of fertility.

“Under World” which see’s the creation of underground woodland cities, or

“Mission Gliese” Which sees’s man, woman, beast and many a plant heading to the star’s and in so doing safeguarding earth’s complexity.


Nursing, Service & Doctoring

The Nursing / Service / Doctoring department is a dedicated teaching department, its initial aim to train the Nurses to staff the SURHs (Super University Resort Hospitals)


University & Operations Management

Desired to be on par with Fortune 500 companies the CEO is awarded $2Million basic salary with profit share options increasing to $8Million.

The Dean’s salary at just under $1Million is twice that of the Dean of Harvard, sending a strong message for all Universities to be academically likened to Ivy League schools, colleges and universities.


Summing Up


Here are some employment statistics for the operation center and University employees paid for from stage 1 funding. The exact make-up of how the University will function as a teaching institution for all ages will be worked out at a later juncture; all staff have the opportunity to double their salaries in profit sharing once a resort has reached its profit target of $1 Billion. (Expected between 2 and 3 years).

Actual numbers will increase with stage 2 funding and the increase due to POP1 Sports Media & Research funding, alongside corporate paid employees and S-World UCS professionals.


America Butterfly Question, AB5: Discounting Class structures, assuming all professors and academics assist, has the case been made if student numbers are small the equivalent of an Ivy League education could be expected?

Definitely ________ Probably ________ Unlikely ________